
We will be their Mothers
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Parasite Eve [Video Games], 沙耶の唄 | Saya no Uta | The Song of Saya
Eve [Parasite Eve]/Saya [Saya no Uta], Eve & Ultimate Being [Parasite Eve] - Mentioned
Eve [Parasite Eve], Saya [Saya no Uta], Aya Brea - Mentioned, Ultimate Being [Parasite Eve] - Mentioned
Additional Tags:
Femslash, Microfic, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Happy Ending, Pregnancy, Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Crossover Pairings, Rare Fandoms, Some Plot, POV First Person, Word count: 100 - 500, POV Female Character, POV Eve [Parasite Eve], Autistic Author, Betaed - No, Dialogue Heavy, Cross-Posted from AO3, SayEve [Ship], Translation, Translated from French
Published: 2025-02-22 Words: 138 Chapters: 1/1

We will be their Mothers


Microfic. Eve holds her love Saya in her arms. They only have each other.

We will be their Mothers

I hold my love in my arms. Saya, so beautiful, so fragile. Like me she's pregnant but she says she doesn't bear children.

“Thank you, Eve. I feel so good wrapped in your arms.”

“You're welcome, my love. We only have each other.”

“Those humans... they'll try to kill us!”

“There's nothing they can do. When the Ultimate Being is born, their world will be doomed.”

The Ultimate Being, my baby. My child.

“I know, Eve, and when my spores spread through the air, humans will become my children.”

I didn't expect Saya to have the same goal as me and yet she did. The Ultimate Being will purge humanity, evolving the survivors. My love’s spores will transform them into wonderful, superior beings. Saya and I will be their Mothers. No one will stop us, not even Aya.


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